Thursday, February 17, 2005

Memo to Democrats


Date: 2/17/05

From: The Idiot Master

To: The Democratic Party

Subject: Useless Idiots

While running the Useless Idiots Network has generally been a positive experience, I do have one concern that I must share with you. It was never my intention to influence the Democratic Party and I am dismayed to see the Party so often following the lead of the Network. This situation is not good for America. Our country needs a strong and thoughtful Democratic Party for two reasons:

1. while in opposition, to keep the Republicans on their toes and force a vigorous debate on the important issues

2. to be fit to govern when the fickle political winds change, as they most certainly will

As my Pappy used to say, “When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.” Instead, by following the lead of the Useless Idiots Network, your Party has been debating what kind of shovel to use, the proper digging techniques and how to make the hole appear more attractive to those outside.

The proper response to an absurd comment by Michael Moore, CBS News, The N.Y. Times or Chief Ward Churchill of the Fuhgahwee Tribe is NOT to fall into line and shout encouragement. Instead, you should chuckle softly and say to yourself, “Ah, it appears The Idiot Master has struck again.” Then get back to the serious business of being a major political party.

And, if you don’t trust the advice of The Idiot Master on this subject, then I suggest you pay attention to the World’s Smartest Woman (WSW). She seems to have a clue as to what is going on here.

Best wishes from,

The Idiot Master


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